Saturday, May 11, 2013

Poop by any other name would still smell as crappy.

True dat: this post is on poop, poopie, poo, poo-poo, do-do, crap, blast, sh@#, deuce, dump, feces, good ol' number 2, dookie, cow pie, stool?  Ok, we don't call it stool in our house.  Although my mom was calling it his BM's for a while.  Chandler and  I would laugh hysterically.  She finally stopped. 

Gross, I know.  But somehow, the poopies have become a major topic of conversation in our every day lives and it doesn't even phase me now.  One day I suddenly realized that this topic had weaseled it's way in without me even realizing it.  Did the baby go?  How much?  What did it look like? Maybe he needs to go.  I think he has gas.  Maybe his tummy hurts?  Makes me seriously glad that people don't discuss my BM's (as my mom calls them) in this manner.

Additionally there is the ritual smelling of the baby butt.  If you have kids (or even nieces/nephews, or younger siblings or cousins for that matter) you know what I mean.  Your nose has become a fine tuned instrument that can sniff out poopie like a German Shepherd drug sniffer dog. **Sniff **Sniff...What's that I smell?  Grab baby, lift baby butt to nose.  You get the picture.

Then, of course, there is the disposal of the poopie.  Which is fine if you're at home and happen to have a diaper genie or can take it out right away.  But not so great if you're somewhere else and don't or can't.  There are disposable bags you can buy to put individual diapers in, or you can just save and reuse something on your own (grocery bags, newspaper bags, bread bags).  But then what do you do with it?  Sometimes you are just in a location that it is just not appropriate to throw away a diaper.  Period.  So, you put it in the disposable bag and then in the diaper bag. Whew.  All is well with the world.  Baby is changed, and diaper is taken care of...for now.  But it's not.  Because it's in the diaper bag and you know it's there.  It's going to keep reminding you it's there.  Whether you catch a whiff or you just keep thinking of it. You know it's still there until you get somewhere you can toss it.

Aaahhhh baby poop.  It really is too bad that they can't come out potty trained :)  But then again, I'd miss out on all of our fun changing table games we play!  My little Gabriel is so funny on there.

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