Sunday, March 2, 2014

I'm THAT Mom...And I LOVE It!

Ya know, one never REALLY knows what kind of parent they'll be until they are one.  Turns out I'm the mom who does this kind of stuff:

1. Does play-by-play commentary during bubble play time.  We LOVE bubbles at our house, and yes, we play with them indoors. SHREEEEEK!  During the Olympics, the commentary went something like this: "It's the first mommy/son duo at the Olympics going for the Gold in the bubble blowing/grabbing. We are witnessing it first hand, here in the Raab living room in Bismarck, ND.
Just look at those pipes!
The crowd has gone silent as Jen, the mom goes to blow the first bubble...Gabriel goes to swat at the bubble AND. HE...HAS THE FIRST ONE!!!!!  But misses the second. This next set is going to have to be flawless for this mother/son duo to get the Gold.  The Russians can only sit by and watch on the bench.  They've accused Gabriel of juicing.  Even though he passed preliminary drug tests.  You can't blame them though...look at the pipes on that kid.  Makes you wonder what is in that drink.  Juice, perhaps?  Maybe apple?  Jen sets up and blows her second set of bubbles...this could be for the Gold ladies and gentlemen. Gabriel GRABS ALL THE BUBBLES!!!! THE AMERICAN MOTHER/SON DUO HAD WON THE GOOOOOOOOOOLD!!!!!" 

Kudos to you if you read that the whole way through. I'm sure it's more entertaining in person :)  That's how we roll at our house during bubble time!

(I added this one on Facebook
a while back...) Gabriel laughing
after I said "FARTS!" to him.
2.  Is ALWAYS on the floor.  I can't remember the last time I actually sat on the couch while Gabriel was awake.  I'm always on the floor playing, running crawling around with my little guy.  It is extremely rare to be actually sitting on a piece of furniture anymore at home when he is awake.

3.  Says "FARTS" all the time.  Yeaahh, I guess we don't have any kind of proper speaking etiquette at our house.  At least not yet.  I've posted about this on Facebook before too.  My son, from about the age of 9 or 10 months has found the word "farts" to be hilarious.  He still finds it hilarious. If you say it loudly from across the room he'll laugh. Then walk up to him and whisper it into his ear and he'll laugh even harder!

4.  Buys my son "inappropriate" things. I recently went away for a girls weekend.  We did a little bit of shopping. The very first thing that I bought was a self-inflating whoopee cushion for Gabriel.  I wanted to buy him something fun and thought that was a good idea for him (see also #3 above).  First I found a regular whoopee cushion, but my friend Kristy spotted the self-inflating one.  It's good to have your friends on board!

5.  Holds dance party in the living room. We break out in dance at our house a lot.  Sometimes to the music Gabriel's toys make, sometimes to songs on commercials if the TV is on and sometimes we'll throw some music on to rock out to!

6. Sings on the way to Grandma's house in the morning (and I have a terrible voice).  Additionally, I tend to run out of the nursery-rhyme type of songs often so we switch to rock.  I will break out the  Aerosmith, Def Leppard, etc. 

7. Wears PJ's all day with my son on the weekend.  I've also shared this in a blog before in some way, shape or form.  If we have nowhere to go, my husband, son and I enjoy a day lounging in our PJ's!  What is better than having a rocking out a dance party with bubbles on your living room floor in your PJ's and laughing at the word "Farts"?  Not much in my book :)

So ya. I'm THAT Mom...And I LOVE it!  Because life would be so boring if we didn't have fun.  I can't wait until this Spring and Summer so we can find all kinds of trouble to get into outside!!!  Look out dirt!

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