Sunday, September 22, 2013

Single Parenthood Is NOT Easy Cheese

All I can say is KUDOS to all you single ladies...wait, I MEANT single PARENTS out there.  Beyonce doesn't have a single parent song that I am aware of, so this will have to do. Enjoy this Beyonce tuneage as you read on:

I have had the pleasure of being a single working mother this past week and let me tell you...NOT EASY.  It wasn't so bad when the hubby was gone when I was on maternity leave and The Babriel was only two months old.  But coming off of the busy two weeks we just had, and working full time while running the house, trying to keep it somewhat clean and taking care of a nine month old is not Easy Cheese.  I'm not ashamed to admit that I love Easy Cheese...don't even need a cracker.  Just saying.  That's how we'd all like life to be, right? - Easy Cheese.

Anywho, I started the week out with a work conference. Luckily mine was in town.  Was an excellent one too.  But that also meant no personal lunches to get any errands run.  And Chandler being gone also meant no participation in any of the extra-curricular activities the conference had planned.  And I'm big on those because it's a good time to network with colleagues from other agencies.  I was happy for Chandler that he got to go to this class, but also not so happy because I knew what that meant for me. Selfish? Yes. Care I? No.

And how about any just me time?  Doesn't exist for a single parent apparently.  How do they have any?
Here we are enjoying some play time :)
We'd get home for the evening and eat and then have play time (which don't get me wrong, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE) until baby bedtime.   Then I immediately run downstairs to workout.  Sorry Charlie, but although that is in fact keeping ME in shape, I don't really consider it ME TIME.  Then when that's done, it is right on to packing up the mess we made that evening while playing, eating, etc., doing laundry, taking garbage out, etc.  By that time I need a shower and sleep. Then wake up get both of us ready and head to Grandma Daycare and work.

I did also love the mommy/son bonding time we got, but this past week has me thinking about the three month Warrant Officer Advanced Course (WOAC) that Chandler will be off attending in 2014.  He sure has missed "his little man" this past week. And if you didn't get the gist of what I'm saying here: We missed him too and being a single parent is hard...soooo not looking forward to that for THREE MONTHS.  Heck, it was tough making sure I text him pictures regularly, found time to Skype or even just call.

Again, kudos to those of you who have done this all on your own for your child's (or children's) whole life and to those military folk who have done it for a whole deployment.  Being from ND, I also think of those who are oil families and have a spouse who travels away for days, or even weeks, on end to work on the "oil country" side of the state. It is not Easy Cheese. ESPECIALLY if you don't have family around to help you.  Not sure what I would do without the help of my parents.  Thanks mom & dad :) I really couldn't do it without you guys!!!

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