Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Feet, GLORIOUS Feet!

I am so unbelievably glad to NOT be preggo anymore!  A lot of people told me that I'd miss it when he came out.  But so far, not so much!  Maybe that will come at a later date, but thus far I'm lovin' it.

The Good:
  1. I have missed being able to touch and see my feet so very much there aren't words.  It was funny, about a week after giving birth, I bent down to pick something up.  I noticed that I had bent down the old pregnant way - with my legs waaaaay out to the sides so there was room for by belly. Ha!  Even though there is still a GIANT belly there, there is not a baby in there so that was unnecessary.  So, I stood back up and bent over like a normal person to pick it up.  That was GLORIOUS!
  2. I'm glad the preggo snot is gone.  Some call it pregnancy congestion, but I called it preggo snot.  The preggo snot was unbelievably annoying.  Especially at night.  I had one nostril completely plugged up at all times at night so it was tough to sleep.  Not to mention that I'd wake myself up snoring.  Good times.
  3. I'm love, love, lovin' the fact that I can once again both lay on my back and sleep on my stomach!!!  I'm a stomach sleeper so this is HUGE for me.  And never again will I take for granted the ability to simply lay on my back.  Although these days, there is a new challenge that comes with that...the ability to get back up.  I sort of flail around like a beached whale since I have very little ab muscle strength.
  4. It is also nice to not have to pee every hour on the hour.  When you have to go that much, the simple act of emptying your ever-so-small bladder becomes rather time consuming.  I'm using all of that new-found time to write this blog (because my newborn takes up none of that...ya, right).  It is also nice not to have to get up every 2 hours at night to pee.  Now, I just have to get up every two hours to feed Da Baby.  Luckily my hubby takes a shift every night and allows me to sleep so it's not EVERY two hours.
  5. I have a greater appreciation for my space.  And by space, I mean the space in my abdomen for my organs, or "insides" as I called them when I was preggo.  They felt so smooshed toward the end they actually hurt.  Especially after a long day of sitting at my desk or in a board room in an upright chair.  There were many days I considered laying on the floor for a while.  It is nice to have pain-free insides - Happy Day!

The Bad:
  1. Granted my belly is still rather large, but without Da Baby in there I can see the number on the scale once again.  I stopped looking when I was about 7 months preggo because my belly was so big that I had to bend over to see the number at the doctor's office.  And as the number kept creeping up, up, up and away, I figured that bending so I could see that number was not worth the depression that followed.  I can now see those numbers, and it is not pleasant.
  2. I have already noticed that not as many people are willing to hold the door for me now that I'm not pregnant.  Although I think it's very awesome that people are so nice and helpful to pregnant women, I will miss that extra niceness now that I'm not preggo.
  3. Although I do not (and likely will not) miss being pregnant, I will miss being thoroughly entertained during meetings at work.  Da Baby always chose great moments in meetings to be active and move around in my belly.  I always found it entertaining to actually see my belly moving as he did.

The Ugly:
  1. NOTHING FITS.  The pregnancy clothes are either too big or fit funny, or let's face it, I simply don't want to wear them anymore because I'm not pregnant.  It's a mental thing.  And all of my pre-pregnancy clothes are far from fitting.  What to wear?!

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