Thursday, December 20, 2012

Machine Gun Jubblies?

Ok, so I'm sure you're wondering what this is about.  The title is a reference to one of the Austin Powers movies.

Austin Powers: Machine gun jubblies? How did I miss those, baby?

Anyway, today I'm addressing my gigantic machine gun jubblies, hooters, jugs, rack, headlights, knockers, bouncing Buddhas, the twins, super big gulps, traffic stoppers, ta-ta's...yes, that's right, my boobs.  May seem like a sensitive subject to some.  But let's face it, if we ladies have babies and breastfeed, our machine gun jubblies are not ours anymore anyway.  Not to mention that after going through birth and having a gazillion people look up my hoo-ha in the hospital, all modesty is out the window at this point.

I just want to say HOLY HANNAH they got HUGE!  Never in my wildest imagination did I expect this.  If ever I got a wild hair up my a$$ and decided to pursue a boob job - that thought would now be a thing of the past :)  HUGE, HUGE, HUGE.

Add to this like I said that they are no longer my own. They belong to Da Baby.  I would just like to also say that I feel a bit like a cow.  In more ways than one.  I still feel like I'm carrying several extra pounds (and by several, I actually mean a metric ton) that we'll to refer to as my "baby weight" for now.   Feeling like a cow.  AND I now see that my sole purpose in life is to feed Da Baby.  He wants to eat constantly.  When I'm not feeding him, I'm literally milking myself with a breast pump.  Again, feeling like a cow.  Hard to maintain your dignity when you're milking yourself :)  There is nothing glamorous or graceful about it. 

It is all worth it though, as Gabriel is the light of my life and the best thing that has happened to me.  And I enjoy our time together during feedings.  He's just amazing!  If you are a mother who powered through the pain and breastfed, you feel me and can relate!!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine but I know one of my best friend's felt the same way! She said there were times she wondered why she even put her shirt back on! LOL
