Saturday, March 23, 2013

Yeah baby, yeah!

Yes that IS another Austin Powers reference.  For those who are counting, that makes 2.  What can I say?  I do love those movies.

Brace yourself, I'm going to reveal something about myself that you may find shocking: I was, in fact, a girly-girl who loved pink and dolls when I was little!  Eeeeeekkkk!  Oooohhhhh!  Aaahhhhhh!  Shreeeekkkkk!  I know!  Then as a young adult, I actually uttered the words "I never want to get married or have kids."  As I got older (I also wrote this in a previous blog too), I thought starting with a kid at the age of 2 would be more up my alley.  In more recent years as I started to think maybe I did want to have kid(s), I was totally freaked out about the birthing just seems totally, utterly and completely WRONG!  Anyway, my point is that I never, EVER, thought that I would enjoy having a baby so much.  But Gabriel's just so precious, I want to kiss his pudgy cheeks all day long. What can I say, I'm gaga for my baba!  It definitely helps that we have such a good baby...

NOW I'm starting to think about how much I DON'T want him to grow up. Funny how things change.  I want him to stay my baby forever:

1. I will miss all of the cuddle time.  He's such a good cuddler and likes to sleep on his mommy.  It's still his favorite place to sleep.

2.  I don't want him to talk back.  Don't get me wrong, I can't wait until he says his first actual word.  Unless "Oooooo" and "phhhhttttthhhh" and "Mmmmm" count, we have yet to experience that first and I'm excited for it.  I just don't want the talk back with back talk, if ya know what I mean.  Not to mention that both my husband and I are stubborn individuals who have a certain manner of speaking to each other when we disagree (you can imagine how our arguments go), so we will have to learn patience and to filter ourselves when this talk back with back talk begins.

3.  I don't even want to THINK about potty training.  Now, I'm not saying I love the diapering process or the moolah spent on those each month (or the poopies contained in said diaper), but the thought of the actual potty training process is enough to wear and stress me out!  Plus, I've heard boys are harder to train than any advice is welcome!

4.  I love the fact that I can pack his clothes in the diaper bag. If he gets much bigger, he's going to need his own suitcase!

5.  To baby leash or not to baby leash...that is the question. Gabriel's dad is a hyper/hypo for those of you who don't know him very well.  If Gabriel gets that trait from his dad, then we are in for an interesting set of toddler years. 

6.  Groceries for 3?  Can't beat feeding him breast milk (something I produce for free). But as I'm already starting to wean myself from doing that due to his quantity demands and my low production, I get to start thinking about the cost for formula.  Not to mention the food as he ages.  Again, I reference his dad. He has a ridiculous metabolism and can eat an insane amount - more than you'd think by looking at his stature (maybe related to number 5?).  So, if he gets that from his dad (which I hope he does because my metabolism sucks), we are going to go broke feeding this kid!

7.  Those baby smiles!  Gabriel is a smiley guy and is pretty easy to get to smile.  But we still work hard to get those baby smiles because they are just so darn cute :)  I'm not sure how I'm going to wean myself from making stupid faces, making stupid sounds and doing the stupid things I do to keep him smiling.  When I do these things at work, they don't smile for some reason.  So when he's outgrown this, I'm going to have to wean myself from doing all of that. Hopefully they understand at work :)

8.  He doesn't have a care or worry in the world.  Right now, it's still eat, poop, play and sleep.  It's kind of nice that he doesn't have any other worries to think about. I'm not much of a worrier but I have a feeling that his worries and issues will become my worries and issues.

9.  He's so perfect. I asked Chandler what he'll miss about him being a baby and that was his response.  Insert the "awwwww's" here :)

Do I LOVE my baby and the fact that he is still a baby?  YEAH BABY, YEAH!  And I'm still cherishing every minute with him.